- 2017/11/12 A Japanese newspaper (Yomiuri) picked up our project
- 2017/9/22-10/10 Trip to Tibet for completing the dome construction.
- 2017/9/8 The HinOTORI project has been identified as one of cooperation projects for the 15th Japan and China coorporation committe on Science and Technology, based on the governments agreement on science and technology established on 1980.
- 2017/5/30 Meeting at NAOC
- 2017/4/1 Prof. Yoshida left a Principal Investigator. Prof. Kawabata substituted his position.
- 2016/9/22 A Japanese news paper picked up our project
- 2016/9/15 Annual meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan
内海洋輔:チベットロボット三色撮像カメラ(HinOTORI): 輸送と建設
- 2016/9/5-10 First light with the temporal setting at the Ali observaotry
- 2016/7/10-13 The mini workshop on HinOTORI and related science
- 2016/6/29 A Japanese news paper picked up our project
- 2016/6/12-16 Visited Lhasa
- 2016/5/1 A Japanese newspaper picked up HinOTORI
- 2016/4/19 HinOTORI stuffs arrived at Ali
- 2016/2/17 A Chinese newspaper picket up HinOTORI
- 2016/2/8 Loaded a container for ship freighter with HinOTORI stuffs
- 2015/12/19-20 Mini workshop at PMO
- 2015/10/29 Shipping #2
- 2015/10/26 Shipping
- 2015/7/18-19 Mini workshop at PMO
- 2015/3/20 Annual meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan
内海洋輔: チベットロボット三色撮像カメラ(HinOTORI): 性能評価
- 2015/2/24 Equatorial mount performance test
- 2015/2/19-21 Symposium of the mother fund, Hiroshima University
- 2015/2/10 Colloquium in Tsinghua University, Taipei
- 2015/2/9-12 Oral talk, EAYAM 2015, Taipei
- 2015/1/30 Establishing MOU between Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center, Hiroshima University and Ali Observatory, National Astronomical Observatories, China
- 2014/11/17 Workshop on time domain astronomy, NAOC, Beijing
- 2014/9/11 Annual meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan
内海洋輔: チベットロボット三色撮像カメラ(HinOTORI): 仕様評価
- 2014/8/11--12 Okayama Users' meeting
- 2014/7/17 Engineering first light with the 3 colour simultaneous imaging system
- 2014/7/11 Test mount the three colour simultaneous imaging corrector system and its housing
- 2014/5/30 Engineering run to verify the specification
- 2014/5/7 Engineering First Light
- 2014/5/2 HinOTORI telescope mounted on Kanata telescope
- 2014/3/31 Received the equatorial mount
- 2014/3/21 Annual meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan
内海洋輔: チベットロボット三色撮像カメラ(HinOTORI): 最終デザイン
- 2014/3/18 Received dichroic mirros
- 2014/3/2-5 Visiting NAOC
- 2014/2/20 HinOTORI telescope arrives at Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center
- 2014/1/12-15 新学術領域研究「重力波天体の多様な観測による宇宙物理学の新展開」 第2回シンポジウム
Y. Utsumi: HinOTORI: Current design and project status
- 2013/12/19 NAOC Colloquium
Y. Utsumi: 3 colours simultaneous imager in the Ali site Project: HinOTORI
- 2013/12/09--21 Visiting NAOC
- 2013/10/14--18 9th East Asian Meeting on Astronomy
M. Yoshida: HiNOTORI: Hiroshima 50cm telescope project in Tibet area
- 2013/09/18--21 Visiting NAOC
- 2013/09/10--12 Annual meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan
内海洋輔: チベットロボット三色撮像カメラ HinOTORI プロジェクト
- 2013/08/01--03 Okayama Users' meeting
- 2013/06/26--7/5 Visiting Tibet
Y. Utsumi: 50cm robotic telescope project at Ali Site
- 2013/04/04--07 Meeting in NAOC
- 2013/03/01--02 新学術領域研究「重力波天体の多様な観測による宇宙物理学の新展開」 第1回シンポジウム
Y. Utsumi: Early Design of the Tibet telescope for following up gravitational wave souces